Discipline: Showjumping
Current Horses: Fairbanks Lulu, Sambucca D, Fairbanks Idol
What are your top 5 best performances?
- 2013 Oceana Championships Teams 1st
- 2014 Gatton World Cup 5th
- 2014 Caboolture World Cup 7th
- 2014 Brisbane Grand Prix 3rd
- 2014 Brisbane World Cup 5th
Who has had the biggest influence on your career to date?
My wife Mattea and my horses
Was it always your plan to work with horses professionally?
The first idea of working professionally with horses probably came on my first trip abroad to Europe when I was offered a job working as a stable rider.
What made you choose your current discipline?
It has always been appealing to me and the horses I have had in the past have been more suited to jumping.
What qualities do you look for when choosing a new horse?
Nice type, I think a good character is very important.
What is your favourite training exercise?
Bounces, related distances on curves, there are a lot we use at home that seem to help the different horses.
What gets you out of bed every morning?
I love my job
How do you deal with the lows of the sport?
Every trough is followed by a peak or peaks.
What would your advice be to an aspiring professional?
Remember the most important part of your job is the health and wellbeing of your horses and you really need to love what you are doing.
What do you like about Proteq Equine Bedding?
Easy to use, stable top ups are quicker
Stores well
Easy to move
No unsightly piles around the stables
The stables smell fantastic after top ups (real pine smell)
Time saving
What would you say to anyone who is hesitating to make the change over to Proteq?
Once you have experience how easy the product is to use, you will be glad you made the change you’ll wonder how you went without Proteq
Ultimate goal?
To breed and produce competition horses to the highest level both nationally and internationally