Kymberley Stewart
Show Horse
Current Horses:
Headley Park Unique, Headley Park Xpectations
What are your top 5 best performances?
- Equestrian Australia Show Horse and Rider Championships Champion Lead Rein Pony
- SHC of Australasia Grand Nationals Runner Up Lead Rein Pony
- EA National Show Horse Championships Runner Up Large Hunter Galloway
- Numerous State Horse Of The Year Champion and Runner Up awards
- QLD State Riding Pony Show Supreme Champion Ridden and Led Over Height Galloway.
- Numerous Royal Show Champions in Led and Ridden.
Who has had the biggest influence on your career to date?
Geoff Lyall, Vince Corvi and my parents.
Was it always your plan to work with horses professionally?
No. I am not a professional. I work fulltime as a school teacher but I do compete against all the professional teams at Show Horse events. Showing is my passion and I’m extremely lucky to be able to combine working fulltime whilst competing with my own horses at a National level. I also love teaching and supporting a very gifted little rider with her National winning ponies.
What made you choose your current discipline?
At pony club, my first little pony hated jumping and would refuse every jump. But I would always win rider class and best presented so that really cemented my destiny with horses. Showing for me is the ultimate.
What qualities do you look for when choosing a new horse?
In my show horses I look for a beautiful horse with correct conformation, outstanding temperament and flowing, even movement. They have to have presence and need to standout in the show ring.
What is your favourite training exercise?
Using all of my arena training exercises whilst on trail rides around the property. The horses and I both love it!
What gets you out of bed every morning?
Romeo, my Dalmatian, is an early riser in the mornings and to avoid his big, wet wake up kiss, I’m up earlier! Plus, it’s the best time of the day.
How do you deal with the lows of the sport?
Firstly, I surround myself with only positive people in the show world. Plus, I acknowledge my horses are athletes, and like us, sometimes just don’t feel right or get injured. Missing big competitions due to injuries is very disappointing. But I know I can always count on my truly amazing family and friends for support, advice, help and the odd bottle of French bubbly.
Your most embarrassing career moment?
Being bucked off in the hack final during one of my Qld Horse Of The Year workouts. Totally embarrassed as I was also wearing my brand new tails and top hat.
What would your advice be to an aspiring professional?
Treat your horse like an athlete not a machine. Remember you will only get back what you put in. If it’s a dream, make it happen!
What do you like about Proteq Equine Bedding?
Proteq Equine Bedding is the ultimate bedding for all horses. It provides my horses with a bedding that is clean, dust free, hygienic, easy to manage and use, saves time and is cost efficient. You can also easily take it with you to events and transport the bags of Proteq in the back of your car, float or truck.
What would you say to anyone who is hesitating to make the change over to Proteq?
Go onto the website and research the product whilst answering your questions. Contact the staff who have always been so friendly and helpful. Seek out others who are using Proteq and see for yourself what an amazing equine bedding it is. Or simply BUY IT and TRY IT!
Ultimate goal?
Is to breed my own riding ponies and horses that can compete successfully at National level in the show world. Couldn’t think of anything better.